Wednesday, 26 December 2007
How to Enhance Sleeping Environment
2. Have a quality mattress and find out whether you reuire a coir mattress or a foam mattress.
3. Use cervical pillow if you have spondiolysis problem.
4. regularly debug your bed to avoid being disturbed by small creatures.
5. Avoid keeping electromagnetic items in bedroom.
6. Hide the clock especially illuminating one as mind wanders.
Tips to have Better Sleep
2. One should limit the use of caffeine and alcohol a number of hours before the bedtime.
3. Avoid Smoking as Nicotine is a stimulant and makes sleeping difficult.
4. One should expose one to sunlight after getting up as it regulates body's natural biological clock
5. Try to keep bedroom dark.
6. Exercise early in the day and it helps one to get a good sleep in night.
Play Poker Like a Professional with Poker Calculator
2. One can take a free trial of this poker calculator and even has the option to let the cost of the software be paid by a few online poker rooms provided one signs up with them and makes a minimum deposit.
3. Winning online poker has become simpler by knowing the poker odds which enables an individual to strategise the game in a better manner and thus chances of winning hands improves.
Good Marriage Life Tips- II
2. Do not discuss your boy friends with your husband.
3. Do not keep on cribbing about mother-in-law to your husband.
4. Do not overtly express love in front of conservative members.
5. Try to get up early in morning.
6. If possible give bed tea to your mother-in-law and father-in-law and you will be the darling Bahu of all.
Good Marriage Life Tips
2. Be flexible in views about new family members.
3. Take care of other members of family but not at cost of your husband being neglected.
4. Try not to find weaknesses of new members but capitalize on their strengths.
5. Learn recipes from your mother in law and sister in law. Do not keep on bringing your mother name in discussion very often.
Extraordinary Poker Calculator
2. The holdem calculator from MagicHoldem is amazing as it has been prepared with the help of statisticians and game professionals and thus success rate is pretty high.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Good Life Tips-IV
2. Do remember the lesson learnt on losing in a situation.
3. Do remember self Respect and respect for others and do remember to accept the responsibility for all your actions.
4. Let a good friendship be not destroyed because of a dispute.
5. Accept when you make mistake.
6. Do give a smiling reply to caller on phone.
Good Life Tips-III
2. Avoid name calling in fights and fight fairly.
3. one must not judge an individual by his/her relatives.
4. Think before you speak and thus speak slowly but think quickly.
5. An interesting tip for all those questions which an individual do not want to answer can smile and throw the question back to the originator "Why do you want to know?"
Good Life Tips-II
2. Mean when one says "I'm sorry" and of course look the person in the eye.
3. One must know the lady before one gets her married and thus one must be engaged at least six months before one gets married.
4. Do believe in love at first sight.
5. Never destroy or laugh at an individual's dream.
Good Life Tips-I
1. Try to give people more than they expect. Other day my one of the employee asked for a loan for $ 1000 and I gave him a loan of $ 1100 and his happiness knew no bounds.
2. One should marry a woman who enjoys listening to you an is not in the habit of blurting.
3. All the things seen or heard may not be true.
Innovative Boat Donations
2. This organization with a vow to be of the use for the humanity is encouraging Charity Boat Donations as it later on sells these boats and yachts on Ebay and the sales proceeds are used to benefit the organization.
3. It has to its credit a remarkable anti drug use documentary with a star cast which can give a complex to even Hollywood producers and star cast has been chosen with deliberation so that their actions can leave an impression on the young minds. The star cast has hi profile stars ranging from skateboard legends Jay Adams from Dogtown's Z Boys, Christian Hosoi, Dennis Martinez (world champion), Bruce Logan (world skateboarding champion) etc. The organization in an endeavour to uplift the humanity is even sending these documentaries in form of Free DVDs to the desirous individuals free of cost and is not even charging shipping charges.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Break Boredom Syndrome
2. However one should avoid making meditation also as a set pattern which in times to come will also start creating the boredom.
3. One should consider this fact that meditation is not confined to sitting in a relaxed position with closed eyes but we can define meditation as any action which makes the body and soul to function in a unison i.e. in a rhythm and same is applicable for running, swimming , jogging or dancing.
Do not Bring Work Tension at Home
2. Similarly working women try to push away the advances from their husbands and also make poor quality food to show the work pressure and at times may yell also on their own.
3. Take control of situation and avoid carrying work tensions to home.
Remarkable Medical Assistant Training Programs
2. It is a known fact that more than 1.7 million jobs have been added in the health care industry since 2001, while other industries are seeing a stagnation and thus it is the ideal time to undertake a medical assistant programs which will help an individual to ride the boom which is likely to remain in the couple of years.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Responsibility of Parents Towards Children
2. Thus it is the moral responsibility to ensure that the children are guided properly to help them progress and achieve their aim in life.
Win Prizes in Backgammon Tournaments
2. For playing online backgammon with real money one can deposit money into their player account and deposition of money is totally secure. Either way one has the option of playing for fun also without involving money at stake.
3. Do remember to read their tips for playing backgammon online and become an expert.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Play at Leisure With Your Children
2. I remember as a child when my mother used to promise with a game of Luddo if I returned home in time from school and I made sure that I was timely back from school.
3. Now I realise that How my mother and father would have had managed to make sure that I won in every game with them as now I perform the same tricks with my son to make sure he wins.
Amqazing Online Backgammon Tournaments
2. Online medium has given a platform for people to play backgammon tournaments at their convenience from any location of the world as it is supported by all browsers and it is a treat to watch the graphics.
3. In order to download the free software and to play backgammon one has to be above 18 years and to participate in a backgammon tournament the player is responsible to be on time and has to keep himself updated with any change in timings.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Tips to Organise Parties to Enjoy Life
2. To avoid stress one can outsource the party to let the professionals bring joy for you but it definitely costs a lot and thus be ready to shell out.
3. Alternatively one can ask the invitees to bring one dish each and thus pressure on host is considerably reduced. Moreover the dish is a great conversation starter.
4. Have fun in your party as party is given to have fun and do not make it a source of stress.
Can Successful Dating Change Course of Life?
1. My friend has a broken heart due to the fact that the woman he selected for his lfe walked over him and dumped him like a wooden log. As a result of this fiasco my friend was feeling dejected and his confidence was at its lowest ebb and felt that life did not hold any promise for him.
2. However he was waken from his slumber by virtue of the methods available regarding how to approach women and be successful with them. He swears by the strategies and tips provided by the site which has changed the course of his life as he initially considered beauty as the sole criterion while approaching a woman and thus had to suffer a severe predicament at the hands of the woman who was not attuned to his nature and as a result a nerve shattering fiasco took place.
3. One must make sure that a deliberate attempt with due preparation be undertaken for dating as a wrong move can make or break a man. This site is totally dedicated to men to have their all queries regarding dating answered.
4. It is a true dating site for men as it provides them with answers for their all inquisitive questions by virtue of their audio and video tips and not to forget their email newsletters.
5. One can easily understand ifs and how’s of dating by virtue of their methods to start conversations with women and can also discover the secrets of attracting women of an individuals desire and taste. It has been a gr4eat mystery which has been unraveled by virtue of finding out what women want from men and of course helps one to develop cocky and funny humor to attract women.
6. It is no doubt that a confident man is successful in all fields and thus is also successful with women and the same can be attained by virtue of practice and it also teaches an individual to improve his body language which helps one to be successful with the woman he approaches. One must subscribe to their Email tips for dating and of course in due course of time one will be successful with women by virtue of their tips.
7. In case a man is successful with woman than he can concentrate on main things in life like business/ideas as he does not have to prove any thing to the world as at times success with women is associated with male success in life. So if it holds that much potential than one must use an expert advice to mark a niche for himself in life.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Use of Modern gadgets in Our Life
2. For case we are with our near and dear ones than mobile should not keep on disturbing our private life and people should be wise enough to avoid making calls at the odd hours like when an individual is likely to be resting.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Enjoy Life With Children
2. It is a different joy when children run up to his father when he returns home from the duty.
3. So do enjoy these small pleasures because when children grow up they will have very little time for you as they will have their own friend circle. So now enjoy with your children else you will repent later on in life that you missed that period in your quest.
Amazing Free quotes for Vehicles
2. However my joy knew no bounds when I found that their exists a site which enables one to compare prices of vehicles and also enables one to get a vehicle at a steep discount from the wholesale price.
3. I initially rubbed it aside as a bullshit but when I saw Honda Car Quotes from at least two lenders free of cost, I was just stunned as I found each of them was eyeing my purchase so that purchase goes through that particular dealer and thus the discount on price was fantastic.
4. I was able to get the best quality music system coupled with an LCD for my car as slashed Honda Car Prices enabled me to save a reasonable amount and the same was used for these purchases which enhanced the atmosphere of my car and my family members describe my car as the most lovely piece as it has the correct ambience to leave a lasting impression on the user.
Enjoy festivals as it Adds Colours in Life
2. I see a spark in the eyes of an average Maharashtrian when he talks about Ganesh Puja and similar is the instance of every Gujrati for the dandiya in Navratras.
3. Each festival gives a fillip to the life and thus on the occasion of Diwali I wish my all readers a very Happy and prosperous year ahead and this poster below says everything.

Amazing Service Matching Prospective Borrowers with Prospective Lenders
2. He did not intend getting embarrassed in front of his relatives as he was their poster boy who had made success overseas in UK. He wanted immediate funds and his options were limited to getting a Payday Loans and for this he submitted his application online and got a number of offers from the lenders who were willing to lend him amount as per his salary and residential state.
3. My friend was the hero as a number of loan providing agencies were more than willing to lend the short term loan to him. He was eligible for Cash Advance ranging from £80 up to £750. He accepted the offer from one of the agencies who had verified his credentials from the a major credit reporting bureau.
4. He thanked his stars that Salary Advance saved the day for him and also thanked Roberts Bridge Financial to get the most competitive loan. One must understand that Roberts Bridge Financial is a financial matching service which helps to match prospective borrowers with lenders and thus it is a symbiotic process.
Monday, 22 October 2007
1. Family as a word has meant different meanings for different cultures but to an Indian it stands as stated below:-
I – I
2. The love provided is without any desire in return as it is an unconditional love. The word ‘family’ encompasses the warmth & aura of whole world in it.
3. As Indians since ages we are family oriented and are guided by Chinese animal ‘Horse’ which symbolises the family tendencies. An Indian is known world wide a family man due to the cultural bonding and upbringing by both the parents. This relationship is all the more developed due to our festivals like ‘Raksha bandhan’ which teaches our offspring’s the meaning of being a brother & sister and thus strengthening the walls of a family. Even our movies have also contributed to a great extent in making our society family oriented by virtue of its family based movies. The real face of Indian family is seen by the care & dedication shown by parents for its offspring and vice versa.
Cave family
4. A human being is family oriented as since its cave days a man has utilized a cave, gathered food, tendered his women and cared for his children and finally converted this unconditional love into a family.
Conversion of four Walls to Home
5. A four walled room becomes a home when the occupants of the room have unconditional love, warmth and support for each other and it is the wait, anxiety and the false projecting anger which can be seen when one of the members of the home gets delayed by a few minutes.
Evolution of Family
6. Family has evolved from it being a joint family system to a nuclear family system and it has its advantages and disadvantages which are being discussed in succeeding paras as breaking of joint family system is affecting each and every facet of human life in both positive & negative manner.
Joint Family System
7. Since times immemorial family is a bond which has guided the human being. The joint family system provided social, mental and economical security to all the members of the family; however restriction & inhibitions were the order of the day.
Nuclear family
8. The evolution & progress by industrial revolution has led to the disintegration of joint family system and it has its share of advantages and agonies which needs to be understood in a realistic manner.
Joint family Vs Nuclear family
9. If it was every Indian way than joint family system would have had continued as its inner inhibitions which does not allow the disintegration, however change is the spice of life and thus joint family system has to give way to Nuclear family in view of the enhanced aspirations and progress in life. So old order has changed for good & nuclear family is fast overtaking the joint family system. Even joint family run businesses are being handed over to professionals to enable it being run in a more enterprising competitive and productive manner.
Indian Army suffering due to Disintegration of Joint family system
10. It can be envisaged that the maximum impact is being caused to Indian Army due to disintegration of joint family system as now the soldier has to fight on two fronts i.e. enemy & home front. It is the mental anxiety about well being of its alone wife & kids which is taking its toll on Soldiers. However this problem is being addressed by creation of separated family accommodation for which adequate attention is being paid by army authorities and we as Indians are confident that the problems will be resolved in due course of time considering the tenacity of our soldiers being the finest in world.
Changing face of Indian family
11. Indian family has graduated and transitioned in a smooth manner from its joint family value cultures to nuclear family system. It is the demand of time to accept the change as disintegration has provided an impetus to economy. For e.g. post Dhirubhai Ambani’s death; Reliance shares were being quoted at around 541/- and the same shares after disintegration of its empire has sky rocketed to 1950/- in just 2 ½ years ; leave aside not even considering the additional shares allotted to shareholders due to creation of new companies & resources. This speaks of dynamism and faith of shareholders in the competence of Mukesh and Anil Ambani.
Don’t Cry Over split Milk
12. Lets accept the reality as it is the demand of time to let our offspring free as each nuclear family is like a Dhirubhai Ambani in making and will take our country to new heights. Our new generation is capable enough to take care of its older generation irrespective of fact that whether joint family system remains in vogue or not
Technology has transformed Indian family
13. Indian family is now using technology in form of telecom & internet and its services like yahoo messenger, Skype, web cam & IPTV etc to its fullest advantage by being in touch with its near and dear ones at low cost & thus making, the world all the more a close knit family. This usage of latest technology and gadgets has enabled transition from joint family system to nuclear family system all the more a smooth experience.
14. It can be aptly said that the changing face of Indian family has also changed the world perception about us as in my formative years as a son of a diplomat in London, the UK parents used to tell their children, “study else we will send you to India as punishment where you will due of hunger” & during my recent visit to London for a meeting; I heard this comment from a UK parent to his sibling; “study hard else all your jobs & works will be taken by these Indians”. I am glad such platonic shift has taken place & we have changed our image from snake catchers to a human resource force which has become a force to reckon with and world has started envying us.
15. It can be aptly said that India is widely accepted as being poised for greater world status due to the changing face of Indian family system where we have lapped up the good virtues of joint family system and incorporated the same in our nuclear family system to become a progressive society as we as Indians believe in Gita where its clearly stated that perform one’s actions.
Slain, you will obtain heaven;
Victorious you will enjoy earth;
Therefore, stand up, o son of Kunti,
Resolved to fight
16. Thus the changing face of Indian family has contributed to help India achieve a higher world status and she in turn has risen to occasion to accept the concomitant responsibilities that come with it and in turn she is being Known for its software Engineers, bollywood movie stars, literary giants and steel magnates etc.
Phenomenal Internet Marketing Tips
2. I find its articles thoroughly researched to provide a clear picture in Internet Marketing News arena. However to keep the readers captivated the author must post full article on the displayed page and must ensure that minimum 20 posts are visible to the reader.
3. Its articles on SEO Optimization presents the reader with a new line of thinking and the article titled “SEO is Easy” is a must for every blog and website writer.
Friday, 19 October 2007
Find Out Whether You are Living Life King Size
2. I earn enough with honest means to take my family out to show a movie in a multiplex once a while and also take them once a while for dinner in some good star hotel.
3. I am able to get a warm hug on arrival from the office from my kids and ofcourse a hug from my wife when I am departing for my office. I get good quality of food at home and we all have our meals and prayers together.
4. What else can I ask for and I am able to undertake all these with my money earned from honest means and thus am able to sleep peacefully.
5. So do check this list to see whether you are living a life king size and leave a comment too.
Bad Credit offers Propelling Economies
2. All over the world drawing money from Credit Card is the costliest proposition but only a few economies enjoy the benefit of getting loan at competitive rates despite bad credit history and Americans are one of the economies of the world who has the benefit of availing loans at competitive rates despite poor credit rating of an individual.
3. However its aptly said that one can get a fish free once but if an individual is taught the method of catching the fish than he/she can get the fish for the life time and the same is practised by BadCreditOffers where it even guide personnel’s with bad credit to improve their credit rating by virtue of its tips to consolidate one’s debt, or even get a free online debt assessment.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Never Steal Others Due Credit
2. I have bombarded you with the tips from the web as real ideas are available on the web and direct loading of the article enables giving the credit to the originator which is also one of the virtues of the life.
3. Remember never to steal other person credit as sooner or later one will pay for it.
How to Keep Flowers in Ideal Shape
Healthy Bed Time Tips
Safe Driving Down the Highway of Life
Safety Tips for Pets
Tips for Finding Summer Romance
for it but have patience as loading speed dependent on internet speed.
Patience is a Key Virtue
2. So, I personally felt that this is the level of patience required to progress in life as this virtue gets ingrained in mind for all actions.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Having succeeded in making Iraqis embrace his Art of Living Foundation with a determination he is known for, Ravi Shankar will meet both government and religious leaders in Iraq besides the royalty in neighbouring Jordan.
The Foundation, which counts millions of followers in India and abroad, is describing the trip which started yesterday as a unique and dangerous one and the first by any Indian spiritual leader “into this hellish war zone”.
Ravi Shankar will spend three days in Iraq at the invitation of Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki, who has invited the Indian to be an ambassador of peace.
Tens of thousands of Iraqis, besides American soldiers, have died since the US occupied Iraq in 2003 after ousting president Saddam Hussain. The insurgency, and a bloody Shia-Sunni conflict, has unsettled the once peaceful and proud Arab nation.
It is in such a setting that Ravi Shankar, a Hindu who believes in universal values and respects all religious, is foraying into Iraq.
The guru will interact with Jordan’s King Abdullah and Queen Rania today, the first full day of his trip. He leaves later that for Baghdad where he will call on al-Malaki.
Tomorrow, he will address a public gathering where several political leaders, including members of the Sunni, Shia and Kurdish parties besides ordinary Iraqis would be present.
On subsequent days, Ravi Shankar will visit the Art of Living trauma relief centre in Baghdad and then return to Amman where he will talk at the University of Jordan and attend a VIP reception given in his honour.
Since 2003, the Art of Living and its sister concern, The International Association for Human Values, have been working under difficult circumstances in the country to help Iraqis overcome their pain and suffering.
The Foundation volunteers regularly teach ancient Indian practices such as yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. The volunteers have also conducted trauma relief courses in various parts of Iraq. Medicines, food and clothes have also been offered.
Foundation spokeswoman Sangeeta G Anand said: “For the first time, people who had not been able to close their eyes for days together because of constant bombing and killing were able to sleep, thanks to the breathing and meditation techniques.
Many got relief from depression, anxiety, blood pressure, migraine and other psychosomatic disorders resulting from war-related stress.”
And at a time when most NGOs were compelled to evacuate their volunteers from Iraq in the wake of heightened unrest and kidnappings, the Art of Living stayed put, impressing many Iraqis.
2.Every body perform tasks for his and children satisfaction but the man who rises from the normal lifesytle is the one who brings a smile in the life of other people who are not of his equal stature.
3.Everybody appeases his superiors but a man is worth is salt if can take a stand for his subordinates and fight for their rights.
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Arthur Road Jail-art of living life courses changes course of life for prisoners
2.“These courses are conducted by Art of Living regularly for the inmates here. They serve to bring together rival factions and smooth out tension within the inmates. It becomes easier to deal with them after they have gone through such sessions,” said Jail Superintendent Swatee Sathe. “The turnout was great today.
3.Pravin Mahajan and Iqbal Kaskar were among the 1,500 participants.” Art of Living programme director Vikram Hazra said: “I had conducted a satsangh a year-and-half ago, and it was a big hit among the prisoners. Some of them had even started crying when we sang some old Hindi songs. They had been requesting for a repeat for some time now. They had yoga and meditation sessions, and then we all sang a mix of bhajans, Sufi songs, and some old movie ghazals.”
4.According to Art of Living instructors involved in the programme, the main idea behind the lessons are to destress the prisoners. “The programme was developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, with the underlying principle that every culprit is himself a victim of his circumstances. Inside every culprit is a victim crying out for help. He should be healed by removing stress from his life. The elimination of stress is the main thrust behind the sessions, as it is the prime cause of crime,” said prison instructor Ami Patel. Since 1992, more than 1.5 lakh inmates from prisons across the world have participated in the programme.
5.One of the main features of the programme is the Sudarshan Kriya, a breathing technique that serves to relieve stress. “I have participated in the programme four times now, and have even taken the advanced course. As a result, I have realised that my past actions were wrong. Sudarshan Kriya has especially helped me a lot,” said Radheshyam Shah, an accused in the Bilkis Bano case and currently lodged in the jail. Another objective of the programme is the rehabilitation of prisoners into the mainstream.
6.“Most prisoners tell us that if we had taught them such lessons before, they would not have committed the crime in the first place. However, they say that they are glad they have gone through the course as it will help them in the future. We have helped lots of inmates from Tihar jail fighting stigma and getting over their past to set up businesses, once they were released,” said Hazra.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar heads the world's biggest non-governmental organization, and 25 million people in 151 countries have attended his courses. His group raises hundreds of millions of dollars a year and spends almost all on running schools, de-addiction centers and on charity.
- And there are no conundrums of ancient philosophy at his classes -- after a simple physical warm-up, Sri Sri, as he is known, teaches people to breathe.
- "Everybody breathes and breath is the link between emotion, thought, the body and the mind," he said in an interview. "Using breathing makes it easier for people to calm their mind and go into meditation. It provides physical, mental, emotional and spiritual help."
- The 51-year-old is a science graduate, but has been a full-time guru for over 25 years.
- "Life is a combination of old and new," he said. "Like a tree has deep roots which are old and its leaves are always new. Philosophy is never against modern technology."
- Sri Sri's Art of Living Foundation is based in Bangalore, India, but has millions of members overseas, with more joining each month. This week he was in the Philippines for the first time, and over 1,000 people paid 1,500 pesos (about $32) each for three two-hour sessions of teachings, held in the ballroom of a five-star hotel.
- "The purpose of the course is wellness," said Sister Angelica Pasqual, a Catholic nun who was one of the participants. "You can feel that it is the plan of God for everyone to be well and happy."
- Miconia Chan, a 49-year-old Hong Kong woman, survived SARS, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, four years ago but turned to Sri Sri's breathing techniques to overcome the side-effects of the strong medication she was given.
- "The after-effects were quite serious," she said. "I couldn't remember things, I couldn't walk. But it's been really amazing since I started the art of living. I have had no treatment or medicine for two years."
- Sri Sri's teachings are based on ancient principles of yoga, but he has added elements of his own and aligned it with meditation techniques. Most of all, he tells participants to lie back, relax and enjoy themselves.
- "We have forgotten to be like children," he says during the classes. "Let's laugh, relax, be children again."
- Indian gurus have sometimes got a bad press in the West, including the spat between the Beatles and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the free sex philosophies of Bhagwan Rajneesh, who later changed his name to Osho.
- Sri Sri has escaped most of this, but he attributes this to changing attitudes.
- "There has been a lot of prejudice against Indian spiritual leaders, but that has become less now.
- "People used to think that yoga was abnormal and to smoke cigarettes was normal. In every airplane armrest, there used to be an ashtray. But values are changing, people are becoming more intelligent and recognize ancient values and philosophy."
- The aim of the Art of Living Foundation is to make the world conflict-free, he says. He has mediated in conflicts in Sri Lanka and Kosovo, taught the art of living to hardened criminals in jails across the world, propagated chemical-free farming and natural medicine.
- But personally, he says he has no ambitions.
- "I am quite satisfied, I am quite content," he says. "I have no ambition or dream to be attained. Things are happening very naturally and I let them happen. I go with the flow."
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
- Hindu philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), who set up a center in Ojai, California, said that homosexuality, like heterosexuality, has been a fact for thousands of years and becomes a problem only because humans over-focus on sex.
- When asked about homosexuality, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (born 1956), founder of the international movement, Art of Living, said, “Every individual has both male and female in them. Sometimes one dominates, sometimes other, it is all fluid.”
- I as an individual do not agree with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar views on homosexuality as by propagating one's views in favour of homosexuality ;we are encouraging an act which is not approved by the almighty.
- Through this blog I will appeal to him to moderate his comments on such subjects as his statement can be taken by people as an excuse to follow a practice which is against our culture.
- Here’s some good news for all golfers. If you are hitting the rough every time you raise the club, then try yoga – that too in the midst of the Himalayas.
- Golf is a mental game as much as it is physical, and this unique programme that combines golfing and meditation is helping the golfers bring equilibrium to the mind and body and also raise the level of their game, the players say. “In the golfing world, the whole mental side of the game, which is about concentrating, is very much a topic of debate. This workshop is really the first of its kind and the knowledge we are getting will really help to improve my game,” said Robbie Greenfield, a British golfer who lives in Dubai.
- Greenfield, who has also taken part in the Ryder Cup, said the lessons of Art of Living like pranayams, sudarshana kriya, yoga and interactive sessions will help the golfers to strike the perfect balance of mind, body, breath and spirit.
- “Golfing is a technical sport, and the focus is on the technique of the swing. But what professionals have been advocating is that there is more to the game than just the swing. It’s more of a mind game, like chess.”
- Greenfield says that to enable one’s mind to be stronger is just as helpful, if not more helpful, than actually improving one’s physical technique.
- “I feel that the course will help me to get the right mental attitude. Honing mental skills is a growing trend in the game. Every professional in golf uses a mind coach. So hopefully I will learn how to prepare my mind better for the shots and to be more at ease on the golf course mentally,” he said.
- According to instructor Vikram Hazra, who is also the programme director of the Art of Living Foundation, the module for this course was designed after months of research.
- “We extensively did our research for months and then prepared this model. After this course, the golfers would be able to handle their stress, which at times gets the better of them. It will also help them to cut off from the external world when they take their stance to hit the ball,” he said.
- The module of the course is tailor-made for golfers and their families. The workshop starts at dawn in the courtyard of the resort set amid 700 acres of forest, of which 10 acres have been converted into an 18-hole golf course.
- Then comes breakfast and daylong golfing at the picturesque par-72 course, designed by the Gleneagles group of Scotland. The course is set in the midst of the Gokarna forest surrounded by the Himalayas, which add to the serenity of the ambience.
- Golfers’ families who have signed up will be taken on sightseeing expeditions, forest walks, temple trails and meditation routines in the forest. In the evening, there will be music, dance, dinner and relaxation.
- The organisers say that at $1,200 per person on twin-sharing basis, excluding airfare, it might seem a bit steep. But if your pockets are deep and golfing is your passion, then it will be worth it. So get ready to pack your bags and golf kit for a Himalayan experience.
2.Through this blog the good things about the life will be listed in order to enable every individual to live a more satisfied and happy life.
Enjoy Life.
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact me.
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This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. Every effort is made to make the sponsored post identifiable but at times due to advertisers restrictions the same may not be feasible all the time.The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
The owner(s) of this blog would like to disclose the following existing relationships. I have a interest in living a quality life which may influence the blogging style of writing.